- ……
var loadModel = ClassiferSetting.LoadExistModel; //loadModel = true; Text2Matrix text2Matrix = new Text2Matrix(loadModel); ChiSquareFilter chiSquareFilter = new ChiSquareFilter(loadModel); NaiveBayes bayes = new NaiveBayes(loadModel); if (!loadModel) { Console.WriteLine("开始模型训练..."); //var matrix = text2Matrix.CreateTrainMatrix(new SogouRawTextSource(@"E:\语料下载程序\新闻下载\BaiduCrawl\Code\HtmlTest\Jade.Util\Classifier\SogouC.reduced.20061127\SogouC.reduced\Reduced")); var matrix = text2Matrix.CreateTrainMatrix(new TuangouTextSource()); Console.WriteLine("卡方检验中..."); chiSquareFilter.TrainFilter(matrix); Console.WriteLine("训练模型中..."); bayes.Train(matrix); } var totalCount = 0; var accurent = 0; var tuangouTest = new TuangouTextSource(@"E:\语料下载程序\新闻下载\BaiduCrawl\Code\HtmlTest\Jade.Util\Classifier\test.txt"); while (!tuangouTest.IsEnd) { totalCount++; var raw = tuangouTest.GetNextRawText(); Console.WriteLine("文本:" + raw.Text); Console.WriteLine("标记结果:" + raw.Category); var category = GetCategory(raw.Text, bayes, chiSquareFilter, text2Matrix); Console.WriteLine("结果:" + category); if (raw.Category == category) { accurent++; } } Console.WriteLine("正确率:" + accurent * 100 / totalCount + "%"); Console.ReadLine();
<__global__> model/term_to_id model/id_to_term model/id_to_doc_count model/class_to_doc_count model/id_to_idf model/newid_to_id model/class_to_id model/id_to_class <__filter__>0.3 max model/filter.log model/filter.model model/naive_bayes.model model/naive_bayes.log model/naive_bayes.model model/naive_bayes.log
////// 全局配置信息 /// public class GlobalSetting { public string TermToId { get; set; } public string IdToTerm { get; set; } public string IdToDocCount { get; set; } public string ClassToDocCount { get; set; } public string IdToIdf { get; set; } public string NewidToId { get; set; } public string ClassToId { get; set; } public string IdToClass { get; set; } } ////// 卡方设置 /// public class FilterSetting : TrainModelSetting { ////// 特征选取比例 /// public double Rate { get; set; } ////// avg max /// public string Method { get; set; } } public class TrainModelSetting { ////// 日志路径 /// public string LogPath { get; set; } ////// 模型路径 /// public string ModelPath { get; set; } } ////// 贝叶斯设置 /// public class NaiveBayesSetting : TrainModelSetting { }
public class PanguSegment : ISegment { static PanguSegment() { PanGu.Segment.Init(); } public ListDoSegment(string text) { PanGu.Segment segment = new PanGu.Segment(); ICollection words = segment.DoSegment(text); return words.Where(w=>w.OriginalWordType != WordType.Numeric).Select(w => w.Word).ToList(); } }
public class StopWordsHandler { private static string[] stopWordsList = { " ", "的", "我们", "要", "自己", "之", "将", "后", "应", "到", "某", "后", "个", "是", "位", "新", "一", "两", "在", "中", "或", "有", "更" }; public static bool IsStopWord(string word) { for (int i = 0; i < stopWordsList.Length; ++i) { if (word.IndexOf(stopWordsList[i]) != -1) return true; } return false; } public static void RemoveStopWord(List words) { words.RemoveAll(word => word.Trim() == string.Empty || stopWordsList.Contains(word)); } }
public class RawText { public string Text { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } }
public interface IRawTextSource { bool IsEnd { get; } RawText GetNextRawText(); }
矩阵中的categories是一个m * 1的矩阵,表示每篇文档对应的分类id。
public class Matrix { ////// 行数目 代表样本个数 /// public int RowsCount { get; private set; } ////// 列数目 代表词(特征)数目 /// public int ColsCount { get; private set; } ////// 用于记录文件的词数目[0] = 0,[1] = [0]+ count(1),[2] = [1]+count(2) /// public List Rows; ////// 用于记录词id(termId) 与Rows一起可以将文档区分开来 /// public List Cols; ////// 与cols一一对应,记录单篇文章中term的次数 /// public List Vals; ////// 记录每篇文章的分类,与Row对应 /// public List Categories; public Matrix(List rows, List cols, List vals, List categories) { this.Rows = rows; this.Cols = cols; this.Vals = vals; this.Categories = categories; if (rows != null && rows.Count > 0) this.RowsCount = rows.Count - 1; if (cols != null && cols.Count > 0) this.ColsCount = cols.Max() + 1; } private ListfeatureWords; public List FeatureWords { get { if (Cols != null) { featureWords = new List (); Cols.ForEach(col => featureWords.Add(GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToTerm[col])); } return featureWords; } } }
public Matrix CreateTrainMatrix(IRawTextSource textSource) { var rows = new List (); rows.Add(0); var cols = new List (); var vals = new List (); var categories = new List (); // 盘古分词 var segment = new PanguSegment(); while (!textSource.IsEnd) { var rawText = textSource.GetNextRawText(); if (rawText != null) { int classId; // 处理分类 if (GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToId.ContainsKey(rawText.Category)) { classId = GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToId[rawText.Category]; GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToDocCount[classId] += 1; } else { classId = GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToId.Count; GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToId.Add(rawText.Category, classId); GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToClass.Add(classId, rawText.Category); GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToDocCount.Add(classId, 1); } categories.Add(classId); var text = rawText.Text; //分词 var wordList = segment.DoSegment(text); // 去停用词 StopWordsHandler.RemoveStopWord(wordList); var partCols = new List (); var termFres = new Dictionary(); wordList.ForEach(word => { int termId; if (!GlobalInfo.Instance.TermToId.ContainsKey(word)) { termId = GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToTerm.Count; GlobalInfo.Instance.TermToId.Add(word, termId); GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToTerm.Add(termId, word); } else { termId = GlobalInfo.Instance.TermToId[word]; } // partCols 记录termId if (!partCols.Contains(termId)) { partCols.Add(termId); } //termFres 记录termid出现的次数 if (!termFres.ContainsKey(termId)) { termFres[termId] = 1; } else { termFres[termId] += 1; } }); partCols.Sort(); partCols.ForEach(col => { cols.Add(col); vals.Add(termFres[col]); if (!GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToDocCount.ContainsKey(col)) { GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToDocCount.Add(col, 1); } else { GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToDocCount[col] += 1; } }); //fill rows rows记录前n个句子的词语数目之和 rows.Add(rows[rows.Count - 1] + partCols.Count); } } //fill GlobalInfo's idToIdf 计算idf 某一特定词语的IDF,可以由总文件数目除以包含该词语之文件的数目,再将得到的商取对数得到 foreach (var termId in GlobalInfo.Instance.TermToId.Values) { GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToIdf[termId] = Math.Log(d: (rows.Count - 1) / (GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToDocCount[termId] + 1)); } this.Save(); this.IsTrain = true; return new Matrix(rows, cols, vals, categories); }
t: term c: category X^2(t, c) = N * (AD - CB)^2 ____________________ (A+C)(B+D)(A+B)(C+D) A,B,C,D is doc-count A: belong to c, include t B: Not belong to c, include t C: belong to c, Not include t D: Not belong to c, Not include tB = t's doc-count - A
C = c's doc-count - A D = N - A - B - C得分计算:
and score of t can be calculated by nX^2(t) = sigma p(ci)X^2(t,ci) (avg) iX^2(t) = max { X^2(t,c) } (max)下面是对应的代码代码执行完成后,会将选取出来的特征词写到日志文件中:
////// 训练 /// 卡方计算公式: /// t: term /// c: category /// X^2(t, c) = N * (AD - CB)^2 /// ____________________ /// (A+C)(B+D)(A+B)(C+D) /// A,B,C,D is doc-count /// A: belong to c, include t /// B: Not belong to c, include t /// C: belong to c, Not include t /// D: Not belong to c, Not include t /// /// B = t's doc-count - A /// C = c's doc-count - A /// D = N - A - B - C /// and score of t can be calculated by next 2 formulations: /// X^2(t) = sigma p(ci)X^2(t,ci) (avg) /// i /// X^2(t) = max { X^2(t,c) } (max) /// """ /// /// public void TrainFilter(Matrix matrix) { if (matrix.RowsCount != matrix.Categories.Count) { throw new Exception("ERROR!,matrix.RowsCount shoud be equal to matrix.Categories.Count"); } var distinctCategories = matrix.Categories.Distinct().ToList(); distinctCategories.Sort(); //#create a table stores X^2(t, c) // #create a table stores A(belong to c, and include t 创建二维数组 ChiTable = new List
>(); var data = new List (); for (var j = 0; j < matrix.ColsCount; j++) { data.Add(0); } for (var i = 0; i < distinctCategories.Count; i++) { ChiTable.Add(data.AsReadOnly().ToList()); } // atable [category][term] - count ATable = ChiTable.AsReadOnly().ToList(); for (var row = 0; row < matrix.RowsCount; row++) { for (var col = matrix.Rows[row]; col < matrix.Rows[row + 1]; col++) { var categoryId = matrix.Categories[row]; var termId = matrix.Cols[col]; ATable[categoryId][termId] += 1; } } // 总文档数 var n = matrix.RowsCount; // 计算卡方 for (var t = 0; t < matrix.ColsCount; t++) { for (var cc = 0; cc < distinctCategories.Count; cc++) { var a = ATable[distinctCategories[cc]][matrix.Cols[t]]; // 属于分类cc且包含词t的数目 var b = GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToDocCount[t] - a; // 包含t但是不属于分类的文档 = t的总数-属于cc的数目 var c = GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToDocCount[distinctCategories[cc]] - a; // 属于分类cc但不包含t的数目 = c的数目 - 属于分类包含t var d = n - a - b - c; // 既不属于c又不包含t的数目 //#get X^2(t, c) var numberator = (n) * (a * d - c * b) * (a * d - c * b) + 1; var denominator = (a + c) * (b + d) * (a + b) * (c + d) + 1; ChiTable[distinctCategories[cc]][t] = numberator / denominator; } } // chiScore[t][2] : chiScore[t][0] = score,chiScore[t][1] = colIndex var chiScore = new List
>(); for (var i = 0; i < matrix.ColsCount; i++) { var c = new List (); for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { c.Add(0); } chiScore.Add(c); } // avg 函数时 最终得分 X^2(t) = sigma p(ci)X^2(t,ci) p(ci)为类别的先验概率 if (this.Method == "avg") { // 构造类别先验概率pc [category] - categoyCount/n var priorC = new double[distinctCategories.Count + 1]; for (var i = 0; i < distinctCategories.Count; i++) { priorC[distinctCategories[i]] = (double)GlobalInfo.Instance.ClassToDocCount[distinctCategories[i]] / n; } // 计算得分 for (var t = 0; t < matrix.ColsCount; t++) { chiScore[t][1] = t; for (var c = 0; c < distinctCategories.Count; c++) { chiScore[t][0] += priorC[distinctCategories[c]] * ChiTable[distinctCategories[c]][t]; } } } else { //method == "max" // calculate score of each t for (var t = 0; t < matrix.ColsCount; t++) { chiScore[t][1] = t; // 取最大值 for (var c = 0; c < distinctCategories.Count; c++) { if (chiScore[t][0] < ChiTable[distinctCategories[c]][t]) chiScore[t][0] = ChiTable[distinctCategories[c]][t]; } } } // 比较得分 chiScore.Sort(new ScoreCompare()); chiScore.Reverse(); #region var idMap = new int[matrix.ColsCount]; // add un-selected feature-id to idmap for (var i = (int)(ClassiferSetting.FilterSetting.Rate * chiScore.Count); i < chiScore.Count; i++) { // 将未选中的标记为-1 var termId = chiScore[i][1]; idMap[(int)termId] = -1; } var offset = 0; for (var t = 0; t < matrix.ColsCount; t++) { if (idMap[t] < 0) { offset += 1; } else { idMap[t] = t - offset; GlobalInfo.Instance.NewIdToId[t - offset] = t; } } this.IdMap = new List (idMap); #endregion StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("chiSquare info:"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("=======selected========"); for (var i = 0; i < chiScore.Count; i++) { if (i == (int)(ClassiferSetting.FilterSetting.Rate * chiScore.Count)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("========unselected======="); } var term = GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToTerm[(int)chiScore[i][1]]; var score = chiScore[i][0]; stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} {1}", term, score)); } File.WriteAllText(ClassiferSetting.FilterSetting.LogPath, stringBuilder.ToString()); GlobalInfo.Instance.Save(); this.Save(); this.IsTrain = true; }
具体可以参见开头推荐的几篇文章,知道P(C|X) = P(X|C)P(C)/P(X)就可以了
public List
> vTable { get; set; } public List Prior { get; set; } public void Train(Matrix matrix) { if (matrix.RowsCount != matrix.Categories.Count) { throw new Exception("ERROR!,matrix.RowsCount shoud be equal to matrix.Categories.Count"); } // #calculate prior of each class // #1. init cPrior: var distinctCategories = matrix.Categories.Distinct().ToList(); distinctCategories.Sort(); var cPrior = new double[distinctCategories.Count + 1]; // 2. fill cPrior matrix.Categories.ForEach(classid => cPrior[classid] += 1); //#calculate likehood of each term // #1. init vTable: vTable[termId][Category] vTable = new List
>(); for (var i = 0; i < matrix.ColsCount; i++) { var data = cPrior.Select(t => 0d).ToList(); vTable.Add(data); } // #2. fill vTable for (var i = 0; i < matrix.RowsCount; i++) { for (var j = matrix.Rows[i]; j < matrix.Rows[i + 1]; j++) { vTable[matrix.Cols[j]][matrix.Categories[i]] += 1; } } //#normalize vTable for (var i = 0; i < matrix.ColsCount; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < cPrior.Length; j++) { // P(x|c) = term 个数 / 分类个数 if (cPrior[j] > 1e-10) vTable[i][j] /= (cPrior[j]); } } //#normalize cPrior P(C) = C/TC for (var i = 0; i < cPrior.Length; i++) { cPrior[i] /= matrix.Categories.Count; } this.Prior = new List (cPrior); this.IsTrain = true; this.Save(); }
PyMining的训练、测试的过程可以独立的运行,可以先训练出一个模型,等到有需要的时候再进行测试,所以在训练的过程中,有一些数据(比如说chi-square filter)中的黑名单,将会保存到文件中去。如果想单独的运行测试程序,请参考下面的一段代码,调用了NaiveBayes.Test方法后,返回的resultY就是一个m * 1的矩阵(m是测试文档的个数),表示对于每一篇测试文档使用模型测试得到的标签(属于0,1,2,3)中的哪一个,precision是测试的准确率。
public Matrix CreatePredictSample(string text) { if (!this.IsTrain) { throw new Exception("请选训练模型"); } // 盘古分词 var segment = new PanguSegment(); //分词 var wordList = segment.DoSegment(text); // 去停用词 StopWordsHandler.RemoveStopWord(wordList); var cols = new List (); var vals = new List (); var partCols = new List (); var termFres = new Dictionary(); wordList.ForEach(word => { int termId; if (GlobalInfo.Instance.TermToId.ContainsKey(word)) { termId = GlobalInfo.Instance.TermToId[word]; if (!partCols.Contains(termId)) partCols.Add(termId); //termFres 记录termid出现的次数 if (!termFres.ContainsKey(termId)) { termFres[termId] = 1; } else { termFres[termId] += 1; } } }); partCols.Sort(); partCols.ForEach(col => { cols.Add(col); vals.Add(termFres[col]); }); return new Matrix(null, cols, vals, null); }
public void SampleFilter(Matrix matrix) { if (!this.IsTrain) { throw new Exception("请选训练模型"); } //#filter sample var newCols = new List (); var newVals = new List (); for (var c = 0; c < matrix.Cols.Count; c++) { if (IdMap[matrix.Cols[c]] >= 0) { newCols.Add(matrix.Cols[c]); newVals.Add(matrix.Vals[c]); } } matrix.Vals = newVals; matrix.Cols = newCols; }
////// 测试 /// /// ///public string TestSample(Matrix matrix) { var targetP = new List (); var maxP = -1000000000d; var best = -1; // 计算最大的P(C)*P(X|C) for (var target = 0; target < this.Prior.Count; target++) { var curP = 100D; // 放大100倍 curP *= this.Prior[target]; for (var c = 0; c < matrix.Cols.Count; c++) { if (this.vTable[matrix.Cols[c]][target] == 0) { curP *= 1e-7; } else { curP *= vTable[matrix.Cols[c]][target]; } } targetP.Add(curP); if (curP > maxP) { best = target; maxP = curP; } } return GlobalInfo.Instance.IdToClass[best]; }
////// 贝叶斯模型 /// [Serializable] public class NaiveBayesModel { public List
> vTable { get; set; } public List Prior { get; set; } } public override void Save() { try { var model = new NaiveBayesModel { vTable = this.vTable, Prior = this.Prior }; SerializeHelper helper = new SerializeHelper(); helper.ToBinaryFile(model, ClassiferSetting.NaiveBayesSetting.ModelPath); } catch { Console.WriteLine("加载卡方模型失败"); } } public override void Load() { try { Console.WriteLine("加载贝叶斯模型……"); SerializeHelper helper = new SerializeHelper(); var model = (NaiveBayesModel)helper.FromBinaryFile (ClassiferSetting.NaiveBayesSetting.ModelPath); this.vTable = model.vTable; this.Prior = model.Prior; } catch { Console.WriteLine("加载贝叶斯模型失败"); } }